Monday, September 22, 2008


I am going to be talking to you about Halloween! Like some of the good and bad things about it. Like how old should you be when you go out trick or treating! Also what could happen during that night if you are not careful? My opinion on this is that the candy is meant for the little kids who are like 2-16. People who go out there that are like 18 should not be able to get candy. Bad things that could happen be older kids can go into grave yards and hit down grave stones. Witch is not cool at all. What if that was someone in your family. A lot of people tend to get in trouble on Halloween. They fool around and then realize the cops are on there way. If you are little then you should go out with an adult or sibling. Also you should stay neighborhood sp that you no the people houses you are going to. You should also have your parents check all of your candy before you eat any of it. There has been news about how people are putting drugs in candy. For an example of a candy pop rocks would be one. People are saying that they found crystal meth. Crystal meth is a drug that can kill you. So all you little kids even older kids have your parents or some one check your candy just so you can be on the safe side.
Well I hope you enjoyed what I have talked about and if you have any insight on any of what I rote then send me a comment on the blog.
