Thursday, March 6, 2008

happy birthday to you and me

Don’t you feel good becoming a year older? Well I do because it means more privileges. You get to do more. And once you turn 18 or what ever age you turn when you can move out you will live on your and by your rules. You don’t have to live by your parents rules any more. You’re FREE. I can’t wait until I am 18. I want to go live with my friend in an apartment. We have planed this for a long time now. I have about 2 years to go. My 16th birthday is in six days and I am having my party tomorrow on the 7th of March. But my actual birthday is the 12th. I can’t wait until then. My party is going to be so awesome. There are going to be about 20 people at my house it is going to be so much fun.

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